White Rhino's

White Rhino's
Don't let these creatures be slaughtered for their horns!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Thursday, December 2, 2010

More funds donated!

After a delay (crashed computer) I've managed to get back to the project and have donated another R1000 to the Endangered Wildlife Trusts' Rhino Security Project.
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Friday, October 22, 2010

Enjoying rhinos.

The group of guests on safari with me are amazed by a close up encounter with three white rhinos. These animals are worth so much alive!
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Funds transfer update.

On October 1st I donated R 1000 to the Jacaranda FM / http://www.stoprhinopoaching.com/ pledge line, which went to equipping rangers and guards in parks such as Pilansberg, Loskop Dam and Atherstone. All together over a million Rand in cash and R 500 000 worth of equipment was raised.
Thanks to those who have bought items and donated money to my project, I have approximately R 2000 more to donate. At the moment I am very busy with tours, having been away or going away for most of September, October and half of November. As soon as I am back in the office I will source one or two more worthwhile causes to received the funds I have raised, with possibles being the EWT Rhino Fund and the Honorary Rangers' Couter Poaching Initiative. Rest assured though that the profits of this project will go to worthy causes!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rhover in rush hour.

Leaving the city behind after an awesome 10 day safari in Kruger Park and Sabi Sand Game Reserve. We heard on the news that a poacher was shot dead and another injured in the KNP. Good news or bad? I'm not sure, but the tough stance is good.
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Friday, October 1, 2010

2011 Big Cat calendars finally available!

Awesome 2011 Big Cat calendars now available at R 250 including local postage (for overseas postage add R 100 for a total of R 350). Order yours now and help rhinos!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rhinos on bush walk.

A white rhino cow and calf encountered on a bush walk recently in Zululand. Always an exciting experience!
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rhover the Rhino on safari.

Giving it horns: Rhover the Rhino on his first safari with me on the Balule causeway, Kruger National Park, encountering a lioness. Saw Elephant and Buffalo too - 3 out of the Big 5 (4 if you count Rhover too).
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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

2011 Big Cat calendar preview.

A sample of the photo's to be included in my new 2011 Big Cat calendar, a must for fans of wild felines.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Jacaranda FM pledge line a huge success!

On Friday 10th September Rhinosforever donated R 1000 to contribute towards the million Rand in cash and half-million in equipment pledged through the Jacaranda FM and stoprhinopoaching.com initiative. Thanks to all who have helped me and may we continue to raise funds to help our rhinos. I plan for the next donation of R 1000 to go to the Honorary Ranger's counter-poaching initiative in the Kruger National Park.
Other news is that my prints will be on sale at Idube and Lukimbi Sfari Lodges in the near future, and I'm soon to have a price and sample for the 2011 calendars.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Help ME to help rhinos!

This page is about YOU helping ME to help rhinos in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. I am passionate about all forms of wildlife and in fact have incorporated this into my career as a guide and photo-journalist – not the most well-known in the world, but making my mark nevertheless. After the relative calm of the 1990′s and early 2000′s, the poaching of rhino for their horns is on the increase again, with almost weekly news of new cases across South Africa and other countries that still have populations of these great animals. The demand for the horn in the Far East as a traditional medicine is fuelling the slaughter and syndicates are getting ever more advanced and brazen in their killing. I’m not sure how to stop the demand from China and Vietnam (any ideas?), but what I do know is that the Conservation Services in the Kruger National Park need financial support in order to be able to patrol the huge park effectively. With the Kruger on my doorstep so to speak, and the bad news of every new carcass found hitting me hard and personally, I’ve decided to get off the sidelines and get involved. The profit from the sale if my images and calendars on this site goes towards funding of anti-poaching activities in the Kruger National Park and other reserves. I have two channels for the fund distribution: one goes directly to the Conservation Services of the Kruger National Park and the other goes through the funding channels of http://www.stoprhinopoaching.com/. If you don’t want to buy an image then a donation is fine too – either way, please help me to help rhinos!

See the Payment Options page for details on paying and ordering. The money will be passed on to the receivers mentioned above, with a monthly audit to present transparency of the movement of the money. I'm not doing this to make money but rather to help save rhinos!

Leon Marais.