White Rhino's

White Rhino's
Don't let these creatures be slaughtered for their horns!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Enjoying rhinos.

The group of guests on safari with me are amazed by a close up encounter with three white rhinos. These animals are worth so much alive!
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Monday, October 18, 2010

Funds transfer update.

On October 1st I donated R 1000 to the Jacaranda FM / http://www.stoprhinopoaching.com/ pledge line, which went to equipping rangers and guards in parks such as Pilansberg, Loskop Dam and Atherstone. All together over a million Rand in cash and R 500 000 worth of equipment was raised.
Thanks to those who have bought items and donated money to my project, I have approximately R 2000 more to donate. At the moment I am very busy with tours, having been away or going away for most of September, October and half of November. As soon as I am back in the office I will source one or two more worthwhile causes to received the funds I have raised, with possibles being the EWT Rhino Fund and the Honorary Rangers' Couter Poaching Initiative. Rest assured though that the profits of this project will go to worthy causes!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Rhover in rush hour.

Leaving the city behind after an awesome 10 day safari in Kruger Park and Sabi Sand Game Reserve. We heard on the news that a poacher was shot dead and another injured in the KNP. Good news or bad? I'm not sure, but the tough stance is good.
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Friday, October 1, 2010

2011 Big Cat calendars finally available!

Awesome 2011 Big Cat calendars now available at R 250 including local postage (for overseas postage add R 100 for a total of R 350). Order yours now and help rhinos!